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Your #1 digital preceptor!

plusRN was designed to help you become an experienced nurse faster by nurturing your Clinical Judgement.

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I'm recommending this to

all my friends!

- Kara B.

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WOW! plusRN is a must for any modern nurse. 

- Alex C.

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Quick and easy, I'm very thankful I have this tool.

- Megan G.

Our Why.

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We understand your desire to be a competent and experienced nurse. Quick access to clinical guidance is essential for maintaining the standard of care. However, your university or employer may not have fully prepared you to practice nursing independently. We know that feeling overwhelmed and unprepared is not where you want to be when caring for your patients.


We're nurses too, and we're here to help! Our content has been written and reviewed by nurses with over 100+ years of combined experience. plusRN includes best practice points that will guide your clinical practice as you develop and strengthen your Clinical Judgement, and hone your Nursing Core Competencies.

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#1 Digital

plusRN acts as a clinical preceptor that is by your side at ALL times. Use it to foresee, recognize, and respond to clinical situations.

Build Clinical

Develop the skills and abilities that will enable you to make effective decisions about patient care under various circumstances.

Made for
Patient Care

plusRN is designed for use at the bedside during patient care. Our innovative guide allows you to make informed decisions faster.

Become an
Experienced Nurse Faster

plusRN accelerates the process of developing your nursing core competencies and critical thinking.

Your #1 digital preceptor! plusRN was designed with you in mind, to accelerate your journey to becoming an experienced nurse faster by nurturing your Clinical Judgement. Hone your Nursing Core Competencies with our innovative training and reference platform.

  • Assess clinical findings and recognize and analyze cues

  • Prioritize hypotheses and generate solutions based on diagnoses

  • Fill out the care plan and TAKE ACTION!

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Download now and get 2 weeks FREE!

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plusRN is your trusted companion at the bedside while you provide patient care. We're here to support you as you traverse the clinical pathway.

See how it works!

Stay in the loop

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I'm so happy I found plusRN. I was really struggling with my clinicals. Textbooks are great, but when you just need a quick guide plusRN was a lifesaver! Can't wait to tell all my friends! 

- Amber B.

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FINALLY! plusRN is what I've been looking for! I felt so unprepared to step on the floor. Now that I have plusRN I know I can feel confident walking into a patient's room.

- Rachel T.

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